Welcome to Episode 7 of Overcoming Graduation! In tonight’s episode I had the good fortune to sit down with Brad Costanzo and talk about marketing, entrepreneurship, and how constantly reinventing yourself is key to finding happiness and success in the world.
Brad is the owner of a 5 star rated podcast on Itunes, a successful marketing consulting firm that operates on a pay per performance system which guarantees you make money or you don’t pay, and has a wide range of professional experiences to help you! In his podcast Brad sits down with some of the most brilliant marketing minds out there and offers totally free insights that many other professionals would charge heaps of money to share.
In today’s episode Brad tells us all about:
– How to avoid a quarter life crisis
– What marketing really is and how it applies to your life
– How creating a product that taught pick up artists how to use magic tricks to meet girls sparked Brad’s journey into entrepreneurship
– How Brad took that one product and grew his business to a 6 figure income which he eventually sold
– The power in taking action rather than waiting to know all the answers
– Why traveling, being broke, and getting out to explore the world may be more valuable than any form of education you’ve ever received
– How direct response marketing and Brad’s Bacon Wrapped Business podcast could be the key to helping you solve your marketing problems
Check out the links below!
To find out more about Brad check out the links below:
Bacon Wrapped Business Podcast:
– Website: http://baconwrappedbusiness.com/
– ITunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/bacon-wrapped-business-brad/id889456820?mt=2
Costanzo Marketing: