Overcoming Graduation Ep. 50 Danny Fishman: Digital Marketing, Media and Sales Expert
We have reached 50 episodes! This has been one hell of a journey over the last year in building this show, connecting with amazing people all over the world, and getting to connect with you. Thank you all for supporting me in making this dream possible!
Through his life, Danny Fishman, used a mentality of “how do I avoid the real world,” to drive him through undergrad, law school, passing the bar, and traveling the world. He has started multiple businesses, worked with some of the top digital marketing, media, sales, advertising and tech companies in LA, and connected with truly amazing people all over the world. When he and his wife had their first son, he tragically passed away before his first birthday and in today’s interview Danny shares the biggest lessons he learned from this horrible loss, how he overcame his depression, and how the mantra, “We’re doing it buddy!” helps him to keep his son Kal-El alive in his every day life.
In today’s interview Danny will discuss:
– How a mentality of “how can I avoid the real world?”Took him from undergrad, to law school, then off to traveling the world
– How his life dramatically changed when he stopped focusing on “doing well on tests” and focused on becoming an avid learner
– How losing his first son before his first birthday pushed Danny to his limits and changed his life forever
– Some of the most important lessons Danny has learned from losing a son and how they can help you with challenges in your life
– How to be a confident parent and why Danny never feels insecure around other parents anymore
– His top 5 recommendations on how to succeed in sales
– Why Danny has visited 36 different countries around the world at the age of 43
– How bringing a teddy bear to sales meetings helps Danny close sales
– How he got to make a prank call with Leonard Nimoy
And so much more!
Excellerate: Excellerate.global
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