Overcoming Graduation Ep. 47 Jon Bowes:
23 Year Old Adventupreneur, Copy Writer, Freelancer
Jon Bowes at only 23 years old has accomplished more in his short time on this planet than many will in their entire lives. Jon shares his story of how he went from working in a stressful sales job to buying a one way ticket to Peru on a whim which led him to creating his own business as a freelancer and copywriter who lives and works WHEREVER HE WANTS IN THE WORLD and makes kick as money doing it.
In today’s interview Jon will discuss:
– How he created a location independent business (having lived and worked in Canada, Las Vegas, Colorado, Montana, Peru, and Hawaii) and how you can do it too!
– The main reason Jon walked away from his successful job in Sales and bought a one way ticket to Peru
– What he learned from taking the strongest hallucinogenic drug in the world and why Jon says you SHOULD take drugs
– How Jon was featured as the starring role of a feature length film at just 13 years old
– How to “hack the mind” and use strategies like the “Open Loop” to capture your listener’s/reader’s attention
– How a list of the “Top 10 Easiest College Majors” helped him pick his college major
– Why people ACTUALLY will buy your products, not why they think they are buying your products
– The secret to Jon’s success at such a young age
– And so much more!
Jon’s Blog:
Jon’s referenced blog posts:
– Ayahuasca: The Adventurer’s Guide and My Experience
– If You’re Reading This, Please Go Away!
Jon’s Starring Movie Role:
Jon’s Book Recommendations:
– The 4 Hour Workweek by Tim Ferriss
– The Cash Flow Quadrant by Robert Kyosaki
– Tested Advertising Methods by Caples and Hahn
– Ad Week Copywriter’s Handbook by Joseph Sugarman
– No BS Direct Marketing by Dan Kennedy
– The Robert Collier Letterbook by Robert Collier
– Predictably Irrational by Dan Ariely
– Thinking Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman
– 108 Proven Split Test Winners by Russell Brunson
Jon’s Resource Recommendations:
– Copyhour.com (Learn to write copy and make money doing it!)
Jon’s Documentary Recommendations:
– DMT the Spirit Molecule
Email contact info for Jon Bowes: Jon@Adventupreneur.com
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To contact me directly for interview requests, speaking engagements, book signings, etc. please reach out to me directly at Brian@OvercomingGraduation.com