Overcoming Graduation Ep. 46 Peter Bielagus: Personal Finance Guru, World-Renowned Speaker, and Author of 4 Books on Personal Finance
With his dream of being a writer always present in his mind, Peter majored in English and Communications at the university of Miami. Like many college students he had gotten sucked in by the credit card companies who like to lure in young students when they first walk on a college campus.
He quickly amassed an impressive debt and had to find some way to get out of it. This began his investigation into the world of finance. Now he is a world renowned speaker who has spoken in 48 of the 50 states and countries all over the world. He has written multiple books on personal finance and has been featured in the Wall Street Journal, on PBS, and USA Today. Now he works to spread a message about personal finance that educates and empowers everyone to take control of their finances starting TODAY!
In today’s interview Peter will discuss:
– Starting his first book at age 19 and how he became a subject matter expert in the world of personal finance with no prior training
– Why being young was a BENEFIT for him in publishing his first book
– His best advice on how to get a world class mentor
– His best advice for students on how they can get started mastering their finances TODAY
– If you picked the wrong major in college, how to use it to your advantage
– One way you could potentially make money WHILE YOU LISTEN TO THIS INTERVIEW
– What the “new world” of publishing looks like versus the “old school way” and how to effectively sell a book
– Why he decided to work in the financial industry (working with taxes, real estate, financial planning, and in investment research) for several years even after his successful book launch
– How he went from getting $100 for his first paid speech to making thousands of dollars per speech today
– What all speakers need to consider when writing a book
– How he wrote his most recent book in 3 MONTHS, from Word document to finished product in his hands
– An interesting secret of being a professional speaker
– How he broke into the military world and has been flown all over the world to speak to them about personal finances
– Why most people save money and Peter’s advice on how to most effectively save
And so much more!
Links from Today’s show:
Petesendmefreestuff.com (Get a free e-book on how the stock market works)
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