Overcoming Graduation Ep. 45 Jack Chen: CEO of Neuraflow and Professional Hip Hop Dancer
OCG is BACK with some amazing new content, insights, and mindset shifting material for all of you out there. The past few weeks I was focused on the launch of my book, “The First Step” which reached #1 Best Seller status on Amazon within the first three hours of the launch! Now we are back to sharing the Overcoming Graduation message.
Jack is one of my first interviews with someone who is in the age group of the target market of this show (young adults who are striking out into the real world). His entrepreneurial journey started while he was still in school and by sending one ambitious email, he found himself being mentored by one of the top speakers/coaches in the world. Since then he has taken off in his entrepreneurial adventure and hasn’t looked back. Learn how Jack has created what he believes is the best Nootropic on the market to unlock the potential and focus within your brain and help you operate at your optimal state!
Today Jack will discuss:
– Living a double life while in school as an entrepreneur and a student
– How an ambitious email got him the chance to work with a world renowned speaker, coach, and therapist
– How his entrepreneurial attempts in blogging, information products, internet marketing, consulting and more helped him create his current business, Neuraflow
– Why “value creation” is the key to you having everything you want in your life
– How hip hop dance has made Jack a better entrepreneur and a happier person
– What is “transition anxiety” and how you can use it to conquer your biggest fears
– What dancing does to your brain that few other activities in the world can do
– The concept, “Ready, fire, aim,” and how this one concept can skyrocket you to levels of growth you never thought possible before
– How Jack’s supplements can change your life, and what any person should consider when using Nootropics like Neuraflow
Quotes from Jack in today’s interview:
“Failure is a man made concept.”
“Speed of implementation always wins.”
“Perfectionism is often an excuse for procrastination.”
“The world is about value creation not value extraction.”
Show note links (all the links promised during the show):
Check out Jack’s Nootropic, Neuroflow (Use coupon: Briandrury for 10% off!)
Visit Sean Vigue’s Youtube Channel for AMAZING Power Yoga
To see a full list of episodes and learn more about the OCG Community, visit OvercomingGraduation.com
You can learn more about the Overcoming Graduation movement by searching for Overcoming Graduation on Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, and Instagram
To buy your copy of the #1 Amazon Best Seller, The First Step, and support myTEAM Triumph visit TheFirstStepGift.com
To contact me directly for speaking engagements, book signings, or for personal coaching/consulting please reach out to me at Brian@OvercomingGraduation.com