Pictured above: Floris after his 5th consecutive climb and descent of the l’Alpe d’Huez
Ep. 20 Floris Van Overveld: Molecular Pharmacologist who Biked Across the US to Raise Money for War Child, Raised Money for the Dutch Cancer Society by Biking the l’Alpe d’Huez in France 8 Times, and What Your Body is Capable of When you Set Your Mind on a Goal
In my second ever international interview, Floris Van Overveld comes to us all the way from Amsterdam to share an incredible story about his journey through life and how cycling has changed the way he looks at challenges forever. (Also Floris wanted me to let you know, late in the interview during his bike across the US at one point he said the wind was 90mph but he said he converted it wrong and it was actually 30mph, which is still crazy for a 100 mile bike ride but he wanted me to let you all know so the numbers were right!)
In todays interview we will talk about:
– How Floris overcame the loss of his father right at his college graduation
– What is was like biking across country to raise money for War Child, an organization that helps to give children in war torn countries back their childhood and innocence
– How biking the l’Alpe d’Huez in France 8 times completely changed Floris’ life and how he viewed challenges from that day forward
– How sharing your dreams opens doors to help them come true
– Working in Student Affairs, as a Molecular Pharmacologist, a Journalist, and working at the Dutch Cancer Society as an Internet Editor
– Floris’ reaction when the doctors told him he may never ride a bike again after a serious injury
– The importance of rest and recovery in any training regimen
– How all the parts of your brain connected to your senses are activated during endurance events and what you will experience in these moments
– How young you feel has nothing to do with your age
Show Notes:
Check out the pages below to learn more about the organizations Floris has supported through his cycling:
To look into doing your own coast to coast bike ride in the US:
To practice your dutch and see some of Floris’ posts in English on his own blog check out the link below!:
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