After spending time with my buddy Kresimir Jug on his podcast, Life By Design, I received more feedback and responses from listeners than I ever have before after doing an interview on someone else’s show!
Click here to listen to the interview and check out Life By Design!
Show notes from Life By Design:
Brian is a pretty amazing guy… He speaks 3 languages, fluently, has written 1 books, lives in Brazil and travels 250 days of the year. Oh, and did I mention he’s only 26!
As you can imagine life wasn’t always like that for him. There was a time, not long ago, when he lacked purpose, he lacked passion and he didn’t know what he was going to do with himself.
So how did he figure it out?
That’s what this episode is all about.
Here Is What We Covered
- Learn the first step that is absolutely necessary for starting to turn your life into a passionate one. It’s uncomfortable… but you have to go through it.
- Learn what questions you need to ask yourself to find something that makes you passionate.
- Learn why the question ‘What are you passionate about?’ might be the wrong question to ask and what question you should ask instead.
Kresimir and his team have an amazing mission and rather than paraphrase, I’ll show you exactly what his site says about Life by Design (From the Life By Design “About” page):
At Life By Design, we believe every human being is designed to be extraordinary. Living a life filled with purpose and excitement, as well as feeling alive and healthy, is not an exception to the rule – it’s what we consider a normal life.
We can help you meet the requirements for this extraordinary life by introducing you to the four fundamental categories: Power, Eat, Move, and Think By Design.
Click here to listen to the interview and check out Life By Design!