In today’s episode of the OCG Morning Commute we will be talking about the fear of looking stupid.
Have you ever let the fear of looking stupid keep you from starting something new?
Have you ever let the fear of looking stupid keep you from trying to talk to that person across the room, start a business, try a new fitness regime, take dance classes, etc.?
If you answered yes to either of these questions then today’s episode of the OCG Morning Commute is for you!
In this short episode we will talk about why we let that fear hold us back and how you can start overcoming it today!
Be sure to pick up your tickets to my first ever co-hosted live event, BEYOND BELIEF. The event takes place June 30th, 2018 in Santa Monica, CA and will be a full day of play, laughter, and transformation with my co-host Jonathan Fischer.
By the end of our one day event you will already be taking steps towards living a life that is BEYOND BELIEF in Health, Wealth, and Relationships! Join us in Santa Monica by Clicking the Link here to BUY YOUR TICKETS!