Overcoming Graduation Ep. 64: The Brakes On The Car Are Failing
What would you do if the brakes on your car gave out when you were coming up to a red light? In today’s episode I’ll share a story about what happened when the brakes on my car completely failed just last weekend.
When the things in life that we expect to always work suddenly fail, our minds go into a place they don’t often visit. A place where panic, focus, fear, and adrenaline all combine into a jumble of energy and emotion. It is in moments of extreme pressure and panic that we need to decide whether we will collapse under the pressure or do the best we can with what we have.
In today’s episode we will discuss:
– What happens when the things we expect to keep us safe fail
– What we can do to prepare for the unexpected critical moments in our lives
– What we can do when life is careening out of control
– What happens when you let go of the steering wheel
And so much more!
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