Overcoming Graduation Ep. 60 Your Music Library, A Metaphor for Life
Sean Stephenson once said (paraphrased), “If you can speak in metaphors, you can explain brain surgery to a 3 year old.” I have tried to internalize this message and look for metaphors that link the seemingly disparate pieces of life together. I believe that we are so much more connected than we may think. Sometimes a simple metaphor can help us bridge the gap from misunderstanding to communication. This episode will use your music library as a metaphor to look at ways to bring more joy and passion into your life.
In today’s episode I’ll discuss:
– How you can look at your music library as a metaphor for your life
– How letting go of the excess can free up your mental, physical, and emotional space to love and enjoy more
– Why it is so critical to keep experimenting with new songs, music styles, etc.
– Why life is too short to pretend to like music that doesn’t light up your soul
And much more!
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