Ep. 25 Take a Break and Recharge

Take A Break

Overcoming Graduation Ep. 25 Take a Break and Recharge

Hey Guys,

So last week I attempted my first ever week of podcasts, seven episodes over seven days. Between getting back from Shanghai and work picking up I only made it to about two days. This was sign for me that I need to 1. slow down and take a break so I can allow myself time to recuperate and produce at my highest level and 2. plan out and prepare in advance for big events like this so it all doesn’t come down to the last minute.

In today’s episodes I’ll discuss:

– Key reasons why it is critical to take a break and slow down

– Why society wants you to “be busy”

– The danger in the “accomplishment mentality”

– How to build rest into your routine so you don’t feel guilty when you do take down time


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Overcoming Graduation Interviews

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