Should you try to get rid of a bad habit cold turkey or make the change in incremental steps? What should you expect when you are working to …
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Ep. 121 Morning Commute #42 What Could Go Right? We are very accustomed to hearing someone say, “What could go wrong?” The interesting things about the questions we pose in our lives is that, no matter …
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Ep. 120 Morning Commute #41 These Aren’t My Keys Do you find that little things derail your day? Can something as simple as grabbing the wrong set of keys throw you through a loop? In …
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Ep. 119 Morning Commute #40 Sleep Inertia – If You Cant Stop Snoozing the Alarm Ep 119 Morning Commute #40 Sleep Inertia – If You Cant Stop Snoozing the Alarm How can getting more sleep make you more tired? Would you be shocked …
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Ep 117 Morning Commute #38: The Identity Shift We have the right plan in place, we have all the tools, we have all the information we need, and yet… we can’t seem to make change stick …
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Ep. 116 Baking Cookies with Mom The holidays can bring up very intense emotions, both positive and negative for people. Some people feel euphoria knowing Christmas is just around the corner, others feel dread …
Ep. 115 Morning Commute #37: Effort and Expectations Today I share a lesson I learned from one of my new favorite people, Inky Johnson. What happens when our expectations exceed our effort? How can we massively …
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114 Morning Commute #36: You Are Not A Worrier, Procrastinator, or a Quitter…mp3 There are times I have felt like I won’t ever be able to get past the stories I have told myself and the limiting beliefs in my head. …
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Ep. 113 Morning Commute #35: Redo What happens when all of your hard work seems like it was for nothing? How can celebrating your past failures set you up to succeed in the present? …